Whush is the exclusive streaming partner of 20+ leading independent film festivals worldwide. All films are handpicked by film festival curators. Discover bold visions by new filmmakers.
Whush.com runs in association with The Bigger Screen, iFilmfestival.com and The Tarkovski Grant.
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Festival Partners
Martinique International Film Festival, Brussels Independent Film Festival, Ghent International Short Film Festival, Doc.London Documentary Film Festival, Toronto Film Week, Viewpoint Documentary Film Festival Ghent, Doc.Sydney Documentary Film Festival, Sydney World Film Festival, New Jersey Independent Film Festival, Hong Kong Arthouse Film Festival, Somerville International Film Festival, Boston Short Film Festival, Doc.Boston Documentary Film Festival, Venice Film Week, Verona International Film Festival, Super Shorts Film Festival New York, Obskuur Ghent Film Festival, Toronto Arthouse Film Festival, Amsterdam Independent Film Festival, Bruges International Film Festival, Super Shorts Film Festival London, Super Shorts Film Festival Los Angeles and Doc.Berlin Documentary Film Festival.
Support underprivileged Filmmakers
Whush is the principal sponsor of the Connecting Cultures Program by The Bigger Screen, supporting thousands of underprivileged filmmakers each year in their challenging journeys as independent filmmakers. Surpassing financial embargoes and crushing censorship. Each year, they select ten countries and grant filmmakers from those areas the ability to submit their work free of charge to partner festivals all over the world. The program started in 2021 by supporting 4,750 film submissions from 10 countries. Then the support was extended to over 10,000 film submissions from 11 countries in 2022. The country selections are far from random. The committee chooses locations based on humanitarian aspects, culture needs and the financial situation of that specific region. They strive to provide support to filmmakers in these countries and allow them opportunities to share their art.
New Jersey Independent Film Festival
Hong Kong Arthouse Film Festival
Boston Short Film Festival
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